This is the same software and a similar interface that the dealerships are using to diagnose, upgrade, reset, etc our Rav4s. ‘I bought the MVCI cable from China for $89.

Thai/ Turkish/ Vietnamese/ chinese /chinese(taiwan)/ Spanish/ French/ Indonesian/ Portuguese. Here are 3 types of MVCI in our Ģ. It is a high performance factory diagnostics for TOYOTA TISģ. Compatible with Toyota, Lexus, and Scion vehicles over the J1962 DLC3 connector.Ĥ. Can works on Honda, Toyota, Lexus and Volvo. Original MVCI 3 in 1 for TOYOTA, HONDA, VOLVO Here, obd365 offers MVCI Driver 1.4.8 for all users with original MVCI Toyota, Honda and Volvo 3-in-1 interface.