How to set up tips on streamlabs
How to set up tips on streamlabs

how to set up tips on streamlabs

I’m also using an older AMD Ryzen 7 processor. Now for the type of computer you need to play a game, and live stream it at the same time, I have a GTX 1060, three gigabytes, with 16 gigabytes of RAM. 5 is just my personal recommendation because I think any less, and you're going to struggle when it comes to quality. Personally, I have 10 megabits per second for my upload speed, and it allows me to push a better quality live stream. The best speed I can recommend is no less than five megabits per second upload when you're trying to stream on YouTube.

how to set up tips on streamlabs how to set up tips on streamlabs

The Internet is such an important element in the mix because, in some areas of the world, you just can't control what kind of speed you're going to get when you sign up for your Internet plan. This is going to be the biggest bottleneck you're going to face while live streaming. First off, let’s talk about the Internet.

How to set up tips on streamlabs